Application of reactors


Shunt reactors: The reactors used for full load tests of generators are prototypes of shunt reactors.

Shunt reactors: The reactors used for full load tests of generators are prototypes of shunt reactors. Core reactors are generally about 10dB noisier than transformers of the same capacity due to the attraction of the alternating magnetic field between the segmented core cakes. The AC passing inside the shunt reactor, the role of the shunt reactor is to compensate for the capacitive reactance of the system. Usually connected in series with thyristors, the reactance current can be continuously regulated.
Series reactor: AC passed inside, the role of the series reactor is to be connected in series with the compensation capacitor, which constitutes a series resonance for steady-state harmonics (5th, 7th, 11th, 13th). There are usually 5 to 6% reactors, which are high inductance reactors.
Tuned reactor: Inside the passage of alternating current, the role of the series reactor is to connect in series with the capacitor to form a series resonance for the specified nth harmonic component, thus absorbing that harmonic component, usually n = 5, 7, 11, 13, 19.
Inlet reactor: also known as phase change reactor, used in the grid inlet line, through the AC current, the role of the inlet reactor is to limit the voltage drop on the grid side of the converter when changing phase and the thyristor current rise rate di/dt and voltage rise rate du/dt, as well as the decoupling of the parallel converter group.
Current limiting reactors: Current limiting reactors are generally used in distribution lines. Current limiting reactors are often strung on branch feeders leading from the same busbar to limit the short circuit current of the feeder and to maintain the busbar voltage from being too low due to a short circuit in the feeder.

Related Information

Characteristics of output reactors

Output reactor, also known as motor reactor, is used to limit the capacitive charging



Characteristics of incoming reactors

this incoming reactor is three-phase, all iron-core dry type;



The role of saturable reactors for DC control

The choke or self-saturating saturated reactor in series in the circuit, in the cycle of the voltage sine wave
